This feature works just like a standard chat app and is available to all Community members within chat-enabled groups.
Either tap the emoji button under a post or press and hold on any message or post, and a row of emoji-style reactions will appear on your screen. Once you choose your reaction, it will appear just below the message in the chat window. If you want to see who has reacted to a message, just tap on the reaction icons underneath any message and a list will appear.
If you need to make a change to a message or post that you’ve already sent, just press and hold on the message until a menu appears at the bottom of your screen. Simply choose “Edit” from this menu, make any necessary changes to your message, and then press the green “Update” button. Please note that your post will now be marked as “Edited”.
If you need to delete a message you have previously sent to the group for any reason, press and hold the message and then select “Delete” from the menu at the bottom of your screen. If you are a Community Owner, you can also delete messages from other group members if necessary.
Tap on the camera icon to the left of the text entry box at the bottom of the screen. (If you don’t see the camera icon, tap the camera icon to the left of the text box, and the > icon will appear.) You can then choose to take a new photo or select one from your phone's Library.
Tap on the camera icon to the left of the text entry box at the bottom of the screen. (If you are typing a message and don’t see the camera icon, tap the > icon to the left of the text box, and the icon will re-appear.) Then select the “Choose a GIF” option, which enables you to search for all your favourite GIPHY content from directly within the app.
In your phone’s sound recording app, record the message you’d like to send on Joyned. Then select the “Share” function in the recording app, and scroll across to the “Joyned” icon. When the Joyned window opens, simply select the Community in which you’d like to share the file.
You can send short videos (under 10MBs) in Joyned. In your phone’s photo/video gallery, select the video that you want to send, and then select the “Share” function and scroll across to the “Joyned” icon. When the CommunityLoop window opens, simply select the Community in which you’d like to share the video.
For larger videos, it’s best to upload them to a different video hosting service and then share the link in Joyned.
To share a PDF file in Joyned, open the PDF in the app where it’s stored on your phone (e.g. email, Dropbox, etc.), then select the “Share” function and scroll across to the “Joyned” icon. When the Joyned window opens, simply select the Community in which you’d like to share the file.
If you want to send a message with a bit more gravitas than a standard chat message, you might send a post. Posts appear larger and more prominent than standard chat messages, and will be treated as “important” messages in Joyned's notifications settings. As such, Posts are particularly useful for announcements and “newsfeed” type communications that you want to make sure all your Community members will see.
In one-way Communities, you’ll select the “Create a Post” button at the bottom of your screen. In chat-enabled Communities, just tap the post icon in the menu to the left of the text entry box.
This will open up a “Create a Post” window which gives you the option to add a title and a photo/GIF to your post. Once you’ve created your post, select the “Preview” button at the bottom of this screen to see how your post will appear in context. If you’re happy, just tap “Send”.
Need to find a meet-up date that works best for everyone, or figure out a restaurant for your next get-together? No problem! You can create a custom poll within Joyned.
Tap on the poll icon to the left of the text entry box at the bottom of the screen. This will open up a screen where you can give your poll a title and a description, set the "voting" rules, and create your poll options.
Finally, tap the green "Post" button at the bottom to publish your poll.
If you want to make sure that a message or post is easy for members to find in a hurry, you can “Star” that message as important. This is a particularly useful feature when you’re sending important practical information in groups with lots of social chat.
We’re here to help! If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.